Norris Middle School

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Welcome to the Mary Louise Robinson Library
at Norris Middle School!
Library Resources & Programs
Click on the icons below to access each of the library resources.
Alexandria Logo
Give Image
Library Catalog
Book Benefactor
Donate to our library and help build our collection of books.
Britannica Database
ProQuest SIRS Discoverer
Culture Grams Database
Britannica School Database
Search for articles and information.

Pro Quest SIRS Discoverer Database
Search for articles and information.

Pro Quest Culture Grams
Search for articles and information on states and countries.

National Geographic for Kids Gale Interactive Science Gale Environmental Studies
National Geographic for Kids
Search for videos, photos, books, and magazine articles.
Interactive Science Models
Examine & interact with science models.
Gale Environmental Studies
Search for articles and information on environmental studies.
Teacher Owl
PBS Link
Links for class research projects:
Resume Project, Keyboarding, Careers, Civil Rights
Info on creating power points & how to cite research!
Educational Videos
Over 1500 videos on history and science topics.
Students will hear many of these stories in the library and vote on their favorites!
BOB Logo
Join the BOB Team today!
Visit the library for more details.
24-25 BOB List
Technology Resources
How To Videos
Do you want to know how to do something on your Chromebook or with a Google app?  Check out our screencast videos made by students.
Google Drive
Google Docs 
Google Slides
Contact Norris Middle School Library Staff
Michelle Hansen
Julia Carpenter