Condor's Hockey Night Friday, February 2 is NMS Group Night for Condor's Hockey at Rabobank Arena. Cost is $20 per lower level ticket and $15 per upper level ticket with $3 from each ticket going back to Norris Middle School! Order online at Help support your hometown Condors and Norris Middle School.
Shriner's Toy Drive NMS is collecting new, unopened toys to donate to the Shriner's Toy Drive this Holiday season. Students who bring a new, unopened toy to donate from December 4 through December 12 will receive a raffle ticket for a prize to be drawn at the next rally. Let's help the Shriner's spread some holiday cheer to needy kids in our city!
Online Spirit Gear Store Online Spirit Gear Store is open from November 6th through December 3rd. Items will be delivered by December 19th. You can visit the store online by clicking the Title above or going to this link:
NMS Basketball Tryouts are Mon-Thurs Click on the title above to see the tryout schedule for boys and girls, 7th and 8th grades.
Healthy Kids Survey On November 16, 2017, the 7th grade students will be participating in the California Healthy Kids Survey. Click the title above to view more information.
Book Fair at NMS Come visit the NMS Book Fair on campus from Monday, October 30 through Friday, November 3.
NMS shirt orders due Friday Online orders for NMS shirts and sweatshirts are due by this Friday, September 22. Buy your shirt today and show your school spirit!
Parent Conferences / Early Out Parent Conferences are the week of Sept 18-22. Students are out each day at 1:10. You will receive a schedule slip for your conference day and time to meet all your student's teachers in the MultiPurpose Room. We hope to see you there!
Open Volleyball Tryouts NMS girls Open Volleyball Team tryouts are next week (August 21-25) in the gym after school. 7th grade tryouts are the 21st-24th (3:45-5:45) and 8th grade tryouts are the 23rd-25th (3:30-5:30).